Nothing but the blood of Jesus…
I remember a hymn written by Robert Lowry which goes as;
“What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus;”
This hymn was just a usual monotonous poem to me until COVID-19 arrived.
This year’s Good Friday and Easter weren’t the same for me. The national lockdown lent me ample time to actually figure out the significance of ‘the Precious Blood’, which was shed for me on the cross.
COVID-19 | A Global Pandemic
In this era of health emergency, we stand helpless as there are no specific antiviral drugs against this particular strain of virus. Numerous casualties are being reported daily. Medical experts and pharmaceutical companies are tirelessly working on bringing out a best possible remedy soon. Clinical trials and even human trials are happening in few countries.
CP Therapy – A Promising Treatment Modality
There are numerous controversies of how to treat the novel corona virus infection. Meanwhile, I happen to come across an article, which throws light on something called the ‘Convalescent Plasma Therapy’. Few labs in India and abroad have come out with an idea of classic adaptive immunotherapy, wherein antibodies from blood of cured patients is used to treat critically ill COVID-19 cases. By doing so, the neutralizing antibodies from the donor’s plasma helps to fight against the viral load in the critically ill recipient’s blood, thereby improving clinical symptoms and laboratory parameters.
A Christian Perspective to CP Therapy
This ignited my thought process and hurray!!! It brought life into a verse which reads ‘and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin’ [1 John 1:7] just as similar to the blood, from the recovered patient, containing neutralizing antibodies which helps clear up the viral load in the critically ill patient. Yes, His blood has the power to cleanse me from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:9].
My eyes well up when I consider the cruel death, the death on the cross, my beloved had to undergo because of my transgressions [Isaiah 53:5]. He knew no sin but was made sin so that I might become the righteousness of God [2 Corinthians 5:21]. I live because He died for me on the cross.
Am filled with a sense of gratitude to know someone I betrayed, someone I spat on, someone I slapped would die for me so that I might live.
Because of the cross;
- I am healed
- I am free, my curse is lifted
- I am redeemed and everything is paid in full
- I am reconciled to God, my Father after ages of hurting Him
- I have a hope of living eternally with my beloved
What a privilege to know this God and let Him rule your life forever.
Angeline Joyner
(c) 2020